We love you Grandpa!
(and the Gators too!)
By: Paul Fries | Monday, January 23, 2006 at 10:17 PM | | 
By: Paul Fries | at 10:16 PM | | 
By: Paul Fries | at 10:15 PM | | 

By: Paul Fries | at 10:04 PM | | 
I'm BACK!!!It has been exactly a month and a day since I last commented here. That is the trouble with old "bloggers" we just don't post enough. Forgive me and I will attempt to post more often, of course I will need something to say first.

on the right a baby freezer and future missionary
on the left a beautiful freezer and current missionary
Bek forgive me but I love both pics.

Proof that grandbaby freezer really does love the seminoles...look at the joy on her face!

An now the newest grandbaby freezer (Kessed Noel). Yes it is true being a grandparent is wonderful!!
By: Paul Fries | Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 8:13 PM | |