The Uniform Still Fits...Kind of!
I was given the privilege, this past Sunday, to be the guest speaker at a special Memorial Day service at one of the churches I serve. As I began to prepare I thought I would wear my uniform, since I am retired from the military,but first I had to get a new uniform. Two things have happened since my retirement in 1991 that precipitated this need for a new uniform. First the dress uniform has completely changed and secondly I have matured (actually gained a wee bit of weight).
So I traveled to the thrift store at Tyndall AFB and purchased a new uniform. My wife, as she has in the past, sewed on my stripes and I was able to wear it Sunday. The picture on the right was taken Sunday morning.
I have to say putting on the uniform once again brought back many memories and caused me to stop and remember the honor of serving my nation.
As we pause, this Memorial Day, please pray for the families of the fallen. They are the ones who must continue to live with the loss of one they love.