Ithaca High School Class of '71 - Paul R. Fries

It is that time when we meet again, our 35th high school reunion. 35 years ago we left the hallowed halls of IHS to make our way into the world. 51 strong, little did any of us really know what was in store for us or where we would be today.
As for me, I am married to Cheryl, whom I met while living in Omaha, NE. We have been married 31 years and are the proud parents of two sons, one daughter, one daughter-in-law and 2 granddaughters (and yes I do believe they are the greatest granddaughters alive!).
I have retired from one career (U.S. Air Force) and begun another as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I currently serve as a Director of Missions in Florida working with 30 churches as we minister to our community and beyond.
I have lived in Texas, Japan, Thailand, Nebraska, Arizona, Colorado, California, Philippines, North Carolina and Virginia while in the United States Air Force and in North Carolina, Missiouri and Florida since my retirement.
I look forward to September 15 when we gather at the "Bowling Alley" and celebrate the memories as well as look toward the future.
How about you, classmates of the IHS class of '71, where have you been? What are you doing? I would love to hear from you.